Monday, April 25, 2011

Where is the Queen?

Hello everyone. I am so very grateful to the bees of Jacquie's farm for allowing me to invite them into a new home. This blog is titled Honeybee Mama because I found out I was pregnant during the building of my very first hive. A week and a half ago I was hospitalized and lost the baby at 11 weeks. It was devastating, but also an incredible rite of passage into the realm of Trust and Unconditional Love. There is a beautiful and long story around the synchronicity of bees, babies and myself, but it will have to be told in future posts. Suffice to say, on Wednesday my partner and I buried my placenta underneath my empty topbar hive box called "The Cradle", due to its inviting shape. Three days later, on what would have been the three month marker of my pregnancy, I receive a call: two swarms had landed in an apple tree out at a local organic farm.
In the ancient Shamanic bee tradition of England, (read Shamanic Way of the Bee by Simon Buxton) the Queen Bee is called The Queen of Synchronicity. In the overwhelming grief of losing my baby, I have been blessed with the awareness of Divine Timing in all things. Nothing around bees and I has ever happened by accident. I am posting this in deep gratitude for the incredible wisdom and love of the species.

The swarm is in the shape of a heart!

I will get pregnant again, so the Honeybee Mama name stays. I can't imagine anything more healing and whole than a big pregnant belly, a sunny day and a hive of bees talking and humming to the little being growing inside.

This video is a close-up of the swarm pre-capture (or should I say before I offered them a new home). In it you will hear the voices of two beautiful little girls who bravely climbed up the ladder to meet the bees. Children are our teachers time and again. When fostered among nature, they develop such a deep kinship to the Earth Kingdoms. What a gift that we can learn through children and bees to let go of fear and experience trust.

And all for love,



  1. Oh Ari! Thank you for sharing this experience with us. I can't wait to read about your adventure.
    All my love

  2. Yay Ari! I look forward to reading so much more about this :-)
    Love you.

  3. You are amazing ari! Thanks for sharing your stories!

  4. Mmmmm hmmmm. thank you sister.

  5. I believe we are all mamas. Whether we choose to create life or sustain it. We are all sisters on a grand trip though life, creating and perpetuating love & existance. We bring true life to one another: you bring life to me, mama.
